Thursday, August 10, 2017

Rain, Reign - Go Away

Indoor camp fire
Rainy weather?  No worries!  Camp is still going strong!  Inclement weather will not stop campers! They are having just as much fun as if the sun was shining brightly (if not more).

Usually, we have an outdoor dance party on Wednesday.  Due to the rain, we moved into the basement.  It may have been cold and drizzly outside, but inside it was a tropical paradise, filled with Hawaiian shirts, tropical colors, and glow sticks.

Everyone had a fantastic time.  Campers danced, and those who didn't want to dance played games in the room next door.

You might assume we would cancel campfire due to the rain, but we didn't.  We had campfire inside.  We made a “fire” with wood and battery-powered votive candles.

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