Friday, August 11, 2017


It happened!  It might have been a more abbreviated game, but we had one round of Boof during activity time.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Boof is a special kind of tag.  In it, campers run around and Boofers try to tag them with a sock full of flour.  Once a camper is tagged, they must freeze and wait for a Medic to arrive.  The Medic will ask them to perform a task.  Once the camper has done this, they will be unfrozen.  You can get tagged twice before you're out.

This year, everyone on the field had to be careful, Boofers and Boofees alike.  It was soggy out there, sneakers only.

Amongst the Boofers: a bat, a sunflower, a T-Rex, and a wolf.  And the medics had many creative ways to "unfreeze" people who had been tagged: high-fives to all the adults and push-ups, to name just a few.

As in past years, we had a pep band cheering on the players.  The mood was festive and the sky was sunny and blue.

Everyone had a great time.  If canteen hadn't been the next activity, I think everyone would have played a second round.

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